200hr Yoga Teacher Training

This is where you peel the next layer back. This is where you let your curiosity of the practice that heals you, teach you more about yourself than you ever thought possible. We learn more than the yoga books, we learn who we are as yogis.

Our foundational Yoga Teacher Training is meant for anyone who has felt that internal pull towards learning more about the deeper practices of yoga than one might receive in everyday class settings and how to continue to develop their own relationship with themselves and the world around them. It is never a requirement that you desire the teach after your training, although some of you may find that to call to you.

We suggest you have a minimum of a one year yoga practice prior to registering for our training, although it is not a strict requirement.

All we truly ask of each student is to show up with a willingness and openness towards the ancient teachings of yoga alongside a curiosity to look inside yourself and how the teachings apply to your life. You will walk away at the end of this training with a certificate allowing you teach yoga, but that is the least of what you will gain throughout this journey. It is just the beginning of a lifelong practice and the most beautiful if you as us.


All of our trainings are Yoga Alliance certified and contain educational content that balance across training categories that include: Yoga Humanities & Ethics, Asana Techniques & Practice, Anatomy & Biomechanics, and Professional Development.


  • Study of noteworthy texts such as Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras (book one) and
    The Bhagavad Gita

  • The 8 Limbs of Yoga and in depth study of the Yamas & Niyamas

  • Key dates and overview of yoga’s history

  • Styles and branches of yoga

  • How to integrate living the ethics of yoga in your everyday life

  • Learning asana in sanskrit


  • Asana practice & movement labs

  • Meditation techniques & practices

  • Breathwork techniques & practices

  • Posture labs & breakdowns including: alignment, modifications, benefits, contradictions, and cues.

  • In depth sequencing methodology and application through class creation & teaching

  • Practice teaching and giving/receiving feedback


  • Systems of the body: skeletal, muscular, respiratory & nervous system

  • Anatomical terms relative to a movement practice

  • Biomechanical terms relative to a movement practice

  • Posture breakdowns

  • Subtle body and energy body studies to include: chakras, nadis, koshas, and gunas

  • The anatomy of breathing


  • Intro & application of Iyengar’s 3 C’s: clear, concise, compassionate

  • Intro into hands on adjustment and practices

  • Leading with humility vs. ego - taking the seat of the teacher

  • Holding the energy of the space & creating safe space

  • Dharma talks & how to implement authentically and purposefully

  • Finding your voice as a teacher

  • General professionalism and business basics: Yoga Alliance, Insurance, etc.

  • Intro into brand creation, self promotion, and landing teaching gigs and opportunities

ONLINE MODULES start at the beginning of April. We will weave in LIVE Zoom sessions to keep the material moving forward and students on the same pace.

All online modules must be completed before our in person module beginning August 3, 2025.

This training is a hybrid model with intentionally built modules to work you into a comprehensive understanding of the yoga practice.

Online modules include:

  • Engaging lectures on philosophical and ethical components of the yoga practice

  • Informational lectures on the history of yoga

  • Guided and interactive videos on yoga postures broken down and explained with demonstrations, modifications, and contradictions

  • Comprehension and reflection questions

  • Yoga classes

  • Breathwork sessions

  • Required Homework

  • LIVE Zoom sessions with the training group with interactive breakout rooms

  • Practice Teaching

  • 15 min one-on-one session with Lead Trainer, Kate Moon, upon completion of each module.

  • ERYT-500+ - Kate Moon is the Founder and Creator of Flow State Wellness and its approaches to yoga. Sparked by creative asana, Kate blends traditional yoga postures with modern movement in an intelligent and mindful sequencing approach that is systematic for students to learn. Beyond the asana, Kate strives to create community that is rooted in the principles of yoga, creating spaces on retreats and trainings for people to explore themselves on a deeper level.

    Kate's love for yoga was born as she built her life in sobriety in 2014. Finding her way through the darkness at that time, yoga became her biggest teacher, her textbook on how to live life, and her saving grace. Experiencing how life changing it can be firsthand, Kate has dedicated her life to holding space for others wanting to walk the path as well.

  • I came to the yoga mat as a martial artist in the late 1990’s. I was seeking an ancient art that taught discipline and strength; a path that had a code of ethics and conduct but was imbued with a deep spirituality. Yoga appeared. It has fed me, sustained me, strengthened me, enveloped me, weakened me, taught me, exalted me and healed me.

    Practice requires strength, discipline, commitment, self-acceptance and a willingness to let go and be present. I have been teaching since 2006.

    As a Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapeutic practitioner, I have been a witness to profound possibilities that lie within human beings to heal. I feel an immense amount of gratitude for the gift of this work. 

    The clear light of yoga shines through all the teachings I have received from many extraordinary teachers. My desire is to be of service to others as a reflection of the teachers from whom I have learned.

*We often pull on other guest experts in the fields of anatomy, biomechanics, and asana during our trainings if we see fit!




  • I cannot give a higher or a better recommendation for the YTT 200 hour experience at Flow State Wellness Studio. Studio founder and leader, Kate Moon, has an incredible understanding and love of yoga, which, in combination with her passion for teaching, and vision of what training should be, made this program simply outstanding. All yoga fundamentals as well as higher level yoga topics were covered deeply and earnestly in a way that was inspiring but also accessible to all students. Additional experts in the fields of historical yoga texts and anatomy were smartly consulted and gave very beneficial and interesting guest lectures. The emphasis on learning to teach began right at the beginning, and was part of the evolution of the program culminating in a sublime final teach out experience.

    Additionally, the natural result of this thoughtfully curated program was the formulation of a true bond between students and teacher which gave a heart-filling sense of community and support.

    I can honestly say there is not one aspect of the program that was not extremely well thought out, planned and executed. From the lectures, demonstrations, yoga classes, discussions, every yoga topic covered, down to the final parting gifts, cards and celebration of graduation it was epic. In its entirety, this program was divine. 10 out of 10 would recommend and I feel so blessed and proud to have been through this experience this at Flow State. There is so, so much magnitude of my gratitude!!

    -Jenny Highland, YTT 2023

  • This was such a great experience. You can feel that Kate leads with her heart & intuition, but also has an abundance of wisdom in yoga from her own studies and practice. I learned so much about the history of yoga, its philosophy, the poses, how to teach, and how I experience yoga across all levels of my life. It was such a beautiful & well rounded experience. I feel more than equipped to teach and am excited to find a studio to work at!

    -Shannon Riley, YTT 2023

  • I wasn’t sure what to expect walking into this training but walked away with more than I could have ever imagined. I learned more about myself as a human and how I want to show up in this world. I learned about the history of the practice, the poses, the “why” behind what we do. I learned how to sequence a class, how to be creative, and how to be vulnerable. The readings were so beneficial and learning from Kate and Mimi was an unbelievable opportunity I wish everyone could have. They are both so supportive and knowledgeable- true inspirations. We taught our own class to “test out” and I feel fully prepared to walk away from this training and start teaching. I gained so much and am so grateful for the other incredible humans I got to experience this with. I would recommend it to anyone and would do it all over in a heartbeat without hesitation. It was an invaluable experience I will cherish forever!

    -Ryan Hopkins, YTT 2023

If a payment plan is for you, we recommend registering as early as possible to spread your payments out to smaller monthly amounts.

Students are required to fully complete the online component and attend the full 2 weeks in person for certification.

If you must cancel by chance of emergency or life changes, cancel 120 days before the start of the training for a refund, minus the $500 deposit. Cancellations made within 120 days of the trainings start will not be subject to refund.

“Yoga is not a work-out, it is a work in.

And this is the point of spiritual practice; to make us teachable; to open up our hearts and focus our awareness so that we can know what we already know and be who we already are.”

— Rolf Gates